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Morari Medical wins award at WALLEYE TANK pitch competition


Morari Medical announced today that it was chosen as the runner-up winner in the mid-level reelers division which included startups with a prototype or minimally viable product. Eight different teams competed in this group.

 Each of the pitches were overseen by a panel of seasoned judges, or “Walleyes,” assembled from experienced entrepreneurs and investors from the local area. The judges had a chance to question and advise the entrepreneurs after each pitch as well as forge connections with promising companies. 

Morari Medical is developing a device-based treatment for premature ejaculation (PE). PE is the most prevalent male sexual dysfunction, estimated to affect up to 30% of men worldwide. With a higher incidence than erectile dysfunction or an enlarged prostate, PE represents a large global market opportunity. 

“The Walleye Tank competition was a fun and unique opportunity for Morari Medical to pitch the company and get feedback from experienced judges.” said Jeff Bennett, CEO and Founder of Morari. “Receiving the runner-up award in a very competitive category was a great accomplishment for the Morari team. We are grateful to the Walleye Tank team, to provide Morari Medical a forum to discuss an unmet need in sexual health and how our proposed solution will address the need.” 

About Walleye Tank 

Walleye Tank is a Minnesota based life science pitch competition which provides an educational opportunity for emerging and established medical and life science companies. The Walleye Tank competition focuses on removing barriers for entrepreneurs, not cash awards. The Walleye Tank works hard to curate the audience with investors, subject matter experts, service providers, job seekers, and mentors that will help accelerate businesses forward

About Morari 

Medical Morari Medical is an early stage medical device company that is developing the first external device for the treatment of premature ejaculation. Grounded in basic science and clinical study research, the Morari product concept is intended to be a transdermal based product using neuromodulation as a means of inhibiting the nerves of the penis, thereby delaying an ejaculation. Please visit to learn more about Morari Medical and connect on Twitter and Facebook.

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