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Morari Medical Selected as a finalist in the P&G ventures CES innovation challenge


Morari Medical announced today that it was selected as one of three finalists for the first ever P&G Innovation Challenge. The winner of the challenge will receive $10,000, qualify as a finalist in a Techstars® accelerator and be provided complimentary attendance to the EY Strategic Growth Forum®. 

The challenge invited entrepreneurs, inventors, visionaries and startups to submit their business for consideration to win an all-expense paid trip to pitch live on the P&G stage at The International Consumer Electronics Show 2019 in Las Vegas, NV on January 10, 2019. 

Morari Medical is developing a device-based treatment for premature ejaculation (PE). PE is the most prevalent male sexual dysfunction, estimated to affect up to 30% of men worldwide. With a higher incidence than erectile dysfunction or an enlarged prostate, PE represents a large global market opportunity.

 “The chance to join the P&G Venture team during CES to share the Morari story and opportunity is a tremendous honor.” said Jeff Bennett, CEO and Founder of Morari. “It is encouraging to have global leaders like P&G recognize the opportunities in sexual health and provide companies like Morari Medical with a forum to discuss unmet needs.” 

About Morari 

Medical Morari Medical is an early stage medical device company that is developing the first external device for the treatment of premature ejaculation. Grounded in basic science and clinical study research, the Morari product concept is intended to be a transdermal based product using neuromodulation as a means of inhibiting the nerves of the penis, thereby delaying an ejaculation. Please visit to learn more about Morari Medical and connect on Twitter and Facebook.

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