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Morari Medical Reports Progress in Development of Wearable Solution to Treat Premature Ejaculation


Morari Medical, a pioneering sexual health and wellness company, reported progress in the development of the first wearable patch designed to address premature ejaculation (PE) at the Consumer Electronics Show. Advancements include a first-of-its-kind study of couples in committed relationships using the Morari patch to treat PE and improve sexual satisfaction. In addition to the study, Morari announced innovative product design updates, as well as the addition of Bluetooth functionality.

"PE is the most common male sexual dysfunction and is experienced by 30 percent of men. Morari Medical is using science and data to address PE and restore confidence in sexual health." said Jeff Bennett, CEO and Founder of Morari Medical. "It's our mission to use the latest technology to reframe climax control and serve millions of men to drive pleasure, enhance self-esteem, and live a fulfilled, healthy sexual life."

Enrollment is complete for a feasibility study testing the effectiveness and usability of the Morari patch with couples in committed relationships that experience PE. The study, called "DELAID", looks to improve sexual performance with neuromodulation. The study has been approved by an Institutional Review Board (IRB), which considers whether or not research studies are safe and ethical for human participation. Preliminary results of the study are expected by the end of first quarter 2021.

"In the area of male sexual dysfunction, a study like the Morari study is an exciting undertaking," said Dr. Matthew Ziegelmann, Urologist at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. "Despite current treatment options, PE remains a significant challenge for many men, so Morari's thoughtful approach to developing a product using science and data is welcome. I'm looking forward to seeing the results from the study."

Morari Medical has spent the past year testing and refining its wearable patch to improve effectiveness and usability. Its Bluetooth technology activates and controls the patch from an Android or iOS smartphone. The company has successfully identified adhesives for the patch to assure adherence but prevent discomfort when removing it.

We are extremely excited to be a part of the Morari study to test the company's ability to treat PE," said Mike and Lisa. "Having struggled with PE, we are very hopeful that the Morari product will be effective and enable a better sexual experience for both of us."

Morari Medical is moving aggressively to deliver its first-of-a-kind wearable patch to the public by the end of 2021.

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About Morari Medical

Morari Medical is a pioneering sexual health company, using cutting edge technology to champion male sexual confidence, control, and satisfaction. The Morari team is leveraging its 75 years of collective experience in urology and sexual health to develop a wearable device-based treatment for premature ejaculation (PE), the most prevalent male sexual dysfunction, estimated to affect 30 percent of men worldwide. Morari is developing wearable pleasure tech that uses energy-based neuromodulation to support synchronised, sexual satisfaction for men who desire climax control. Morari envisions a world where all beings can create the climactic experience they desire and enjoy their sexuality freely with confidence, curiosity, and control.

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